The countless people who've unfollowed me or just plain disappeared from my life since October 2023 because I dared condemn a savage terror attack:
Where are you today?
Was today your red line?
I would not know. You chose to disengage dramatically after the biggest genocidal attack on Jews since the Holocaust. You have no nuance, no compassion, no spine. Many know me well, some for decades. Do you think I suddenly became a “genodical” maniac?
Today, Hamas put four coffins on a stage, including that of a baby who was 9 months old when taken hostage. His coffin reads "arrested October 7, 2023."
You can’t arrest a baby.
He left alive with his mother and brother.
You supported this, either through silence or directly.
You posted and chanted to "free" Palestine at all costs. Was this the cost?
Was it worth dead babies on both sides?
Was it worth your soul?
Is Palestine free today?
Will you go there to help the Gazans? No? Why is that? Is it just a mental exercise for you, a trend, a social media fad?
Your former Jewish friends have clung to the news for 16 solid months, desperate for signs of life of our youngest, most vulnerable people, held without adequate food, water, daylight, and medical care.
Meanwhile, you told me things like, Jews aren't a people—you're just a religion—erasing millennia of identity, culture, and history, and replacing it with your feeble notion that All faith is bad; therefore, JEWS are bad, and if you just stop clinging to your sad, antiquated notions, then people will stop hating you, the Jew.
Ask the people who converted during the Inquisition how that worked out for them.
And ask the people who gathered today to bear witness to a macabre show; a death cult literally celebrating the deaths of children—ask THEM to relinquish their medieval belief system, one that says, word for word, that killing every Jew ensures they go to heaven.
But you don't, and when we dare mention that, you call US bigots.
Where are you today?
Did you even watch it?
Or do you hate Jews so much you can't be bothered to draw a red line, ever, nor acknowledge the direct line between your advocacy and the procession of dead toddlers today, let alone the line between your support of terrorism and the self-destructive modalities of a broken strip of land that is clamoring to do it all over again?